Handcrafted Travel

Daily Departure

Day 01: Arrival in Yangon

Day 02: Yangon – Bagan

Day 03: Balloon Ride – Discover Bagan

Day 04: Bagan – Mt Popa – Bagan

Day 05: Bagan – Fly to Mandalay

Day 06: Excursion in Mandalay

Day 07: Mandalay – Fly to Heho – Inle Lake

Day 08: Highlight of Inle Lake

Day 09: Inle Lake Panorama

Day 10: Inle Lake- Sagar Yangon

Day 11: Yangon – Departure


Day 01: Yangon – Arrival (D)

Upon arrival at Yangon airport, transfer to your hotel. Visit of the largest reclining Buddha statue in the Chauk Htat Gyi Pagoda, we continue with the visit to the Shwedagon Pagoda – one of the most impressive monuments in the world. We can enjoy the wonderful sunset at the pagoda and take the best photos. Return to the hotel to relax and free time to discover the city at night.

Accommodation: Hotel in Yangon

Photo themes: Shwedagon Pagoda, Chauk Htat Gyi Pagoda, street life, architecture, Yangon city at night.


Day 02: Yangon-Bagan Heritage(B)

This morning, we will take the flight to Bagan. We begin the visit to the vibrant Nyaung Oo market, the economic center of Bagan. Local people gather at this bustling market every day, to buy and sell many products, from fruits and vegetables to clothing, china and lacquerware. We continue to the golden Shwezigon Pagoda, the largest reliquary in Bagan, built to house the relics of the Buddha brought from abroad. From here, we drive to the small village of Wetkyi-in to see the wonderful Kubyaukgyi Temple, famous for its ancient murals. The morning tour also includes the Htilominlo Temple, which houses Buddha figures. In the afternoon, you will continue your exploration of the city’s hidden treasure of Buddhist art and architecture.

Accommodation: Hotel in Bagan

Photo themes: Sunrise, temples, pagodas, architectures, on the road


Day 03: Balloon Ride – Bagan Local Life (B)

Observe the beauty of Bagan from space when you ride in the balloon. We spent the rest of the day exploring Bagan, which consists of more than 2,500 temples and pagodas and blends in with the daily lives of locals. This archaeological site brings us closer to the history of the ancient capital Bagan with the development of Buddhism. Visit of the archaeological museum. Then, we enter the land of temples, Gawdamgangyi and Manuha, Kaweyai villages. We continue the visit to the lacquer products factory in the afternoon.

The highlight of this day is the sunset from the second highest temple in the Shwenandaw. Enjoy a traditional puppet show at your hotel.

Accommodation: Hotel in Bagan

Photo topics: Bagan from space, village life, architecture, sunset at Shwesandaw Pagoda



Day 04: Excursion to Mount Popa (B, L)

We leave towards the southeast to reach Mount Popa in the morning. Mount Popa is known as the home of 37 life-size Nat statues sculpted from teak wood. Hike some 777 steps to the top for wonderful views. Enjoy lunch at the restaurant with a stunning view of the top of Popa. Returning to Bagan by boat at sunset, along the way, we stopped at a small village to learn about the local product, as well as to see the collection of juice made from palm trees, and its type converted to brown sugar.

Accommodation: Hotel in Bagan

Photo themes: Mount Popa, landscapes along the way


Day 05: Bagan-Mandalay (B)

Depart Bagan for Mandalay in the morning. After a 1-hour flight, we arrive in the city of Mandalay, where our tour begins with a cruise to Mingun to visit the largest bell in the world.

On the bank of the Irrawaddy River, there are unfinished temples and the Hsinbyume Pagoda that reflects the history of Mandalay in authentic architecture.

Then we go to Sagaing Hill. We took time to film the panorama of Mandalay with the Irrwaddy River. Take photos of the sunset from the Buddha statue.

Accommodation: Hotel in Mandalay

Photo themes: Irrawaddy River, cruise ship, scenic view, pagoda


Day 06: Highlights of Mandalay (B)

Today, we will venture out of Mandalay to see the temple ruins that vividly describe the history of Yangon. We will cross through the villages and the traditional workshop of carved gold leaves or carved wood.

We continue the visit with a trip to Amarapura. This is the most famous monastery of monks. Sunset at Ubein Bridge is the best time in days in Mandalay.

Accommodation: Hotel in Mandalay

Photo themes: Temples, stupas, the sunset over the Ubein bridge

Day 07: Mandaylay-Heho-Inle Lake (B)

Today we are going to take a flight to Heho, transfer to Pindaya. This mountainous area is famous for its caves, which house more than 8,000 Buddha images of different sizes, made of teak wood, lacquer, marble, alabaster and cement. As you delve deeper into Shan, you will encounter different minority ethnicities. You will take a stunning drive to visit the local villages and experience the local people’s way of planting tea, rice, flowers. Visit the district where paper umbrellas are made. Return to Nyaung Shwe and overnight at Inle Lake

Accommodation: Hotel at Inle Lake

Photo themes: Buddha statues, local villages, landscapes along the way


Day 08: Highlights of Inle Lake(B)

Today we venture to Nam Pan village, where you can admire floating vegetation, traditional silk weaving, cigar making and boat building.

The most typical image of Inle Lake is Intha fishermen rowing with only one leg. Let’s follow your fishing path and take photos.

Accommodation: Hotel at Inle Lake

Photo themes: Lake, mountain, floating vegetation, carvings, one-legged rowers…


Day 09: Inle Lake Panorama (B)

This morning, we will discover the Indein market. This is the most interesting market in Shan State.

We climbed the hills of Inle Lake with some short walks passing through rustic villages, green fields and a small pagoda. The time has come to take in the highlights of Inle Lake.

In the afternoon, you can take birdwatching photos with our guide before returning to the hotel.

Accommodation: Hotel at Inle Lake

Photo themes: Local market, people’s faces, ethnic costumes, photos of birds and jungles


Day 10: Inle Lake- Sagar-Yangon (B)

Sagar has an authentic part of Inle Lake. The main attraction in Sagar is 108 old stupas emerging from the water. We will visit Pa-O, the Intha people in their traditional dress for some friendly photos with smiling faces.

Return to Heho for the flight back to Yangon.

Accommodation: Hotel in Yangon

Photographic themes: Stupas, the faces of the Pa-O, Intha and her costumes


Day 11: Yangon-Departure (B)

Free time to visit Kandawgyi Lake, the most beautiful lake in Yangon and the botanical garden.

Free time for shopping at Scott Market, the largest market in Myanmar, famous for jewelry, crafts and wood carving products.

Transfer to Yangon airport for your flight home.

Photo themes: Lake, Botanical Garden, Scott Market, Local People


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